Having purchased a new Jeep Wrangler at the beginning of the summer, i had never seen or even heard of "the jeep wave" prior to getting behind the wheel in the jeep for the first time. real simple setting, driving home from the dealership and of course, like everyone else who just gets a new car, i wanted to see how long its going to take to see the exact same jeep as mine. turns out, not long at, not the same colour but not that long. it was an older model, but as we all know, jeeps haven't really changed much over the years. still the cool, youthful, and fun looking vehicle its always been. except of course when they were used in war times with machine guns mounted on top to shoot up whoever is in the way. wait, technically that could still be cool, youthful and fun to some sickos... you know what, i'm just going to continue with the jeep wave stuff.
as i was saying. i was on my way home from the dealership and another jeep owner was driving towards me as i was approaching my street. i glanced over at the other driver and i had received my first jeep wave!
like a rookie to the wave, i quick stuck my hand up and eagerly waved back. at first i thought i may know that person, but then after trying to figure out who it was i realized the only person i knew who had a jeep was definitely not behind the wheel of that particular jeep.
after returning from the dealership and a little confused about what had transpired with the other jeep owner, i decided to do what everyone does and show off my new ride. having a good ol' time, my brother turns to me and says, "did the guy tell you about the jeep wave?"
The Jeep Wave - def. the use of a 2 fingered wave to signal from Jeep Wrangler owner to another.
thats the basic idea behind it, but there is a lot of protocol and form that goes into it as well
1.) 2 fingers and 2 fingers only. no full on waves, no thumbs up, no peace signs, just 2 fingers. positioned together, not spread apart, but together...think of the shocker, just without the pinky
2.) positioning of the wave can be in many spots, but ideally, you wanna make it look as relaxed as possible. while driving easiest way to do it is to just chuck up the 2 while still holding the steering wheel. if this is confusing for you this of your thumb, ring finger and pinky holding onto the wheel, and your index and middle fingers providing the wave(see above). its easy... another one is why posting your left arm up on the window sill, throwin up 2, with the roof and doors off, holding onto the frame, throw a 2 off the frame, the out the window aiming to the ground, similar to a motorcycle wave.
3.) friends waving, i have no problem with it. in fact, i think a lot of my friends get a kick out of it when they get their first way back...just make sure your friends know the rules and dont look like idiots doing it. last thing you need is one of them jamming there arm out the window with a full on open hand 5 finger wave...which makes you look like an idiot too. also gotta make sure you follow protocol and throw up 2 in a lot more subtle manner
4.) when to wave is simple. always....except at night, can't really see the other drivers face at that time, but you can still try provided there is enough light around for the other driver to recognize...
5.) order of wave doesn't really matter. its more of a first come first wave kinda thing, doesnt really have an order
6.) ONLY WRANGLERS QUALIFY... do not wave to any other jeep vehicle. only wranglers qualify... yes there is a lot of different versions of wrnaglers, willys, tj's, yj's, cj's, scramlers, jk's, unlimited's, but at the end of the day the are alll wranglers. don't get a schmeltie status by waving to a liberty for no reason. grand cherokee's are sweet trucks but do not qualify for a jeep wave
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