i hate it
when your up way too early on a saturday and you have no idea what to do. sitting around on the couch trying to figure out what your going to do can always be dreadful. it can be a complete pain and can leave you discouraged for the rest of your day
It is 12:45 pm on this lovely saturday afternoon and i have been up since round 6 am. i;m not sure why or how, but i've been up all day and its annoying.
these are the things I have accomplished today
1.) watched 5 consecutive episodes of sportscentre this morning. i have managed to memorize the 44 minute long program and most of the commercials, but i would still need it playing in the background to recite, so dont be a smart ass and ask me to do so.
2.) i've managed to start a blog this morning. out of pure boredom. i used to have a blog. it was helpful how-to's for different weird situations. people got a kick out of it, might have to bring some of those back, but due to a reformatted computer and deleting the blog while applying for jobs, i do not have any of those saved. maybe i can recite that from memory
3.) i had a conversation with a friend entirely on facebook through wall post comments. not an uncommon thing, but is something i have done this morning
4.) i did eat
5.) started to plan out a workout routine that quickly got put aside when the 4th episode of sportscentre came on, i used the 4 th episode as a test to see just how much i had memorized. didnt go so well but the 5th was amazing, even surprised myself
6.) paid my bills, not glamorous or even interesting, but it is done
7.) helped my mom re-hang the drapes. turns out they were on backwards the whole time. who would have thought that drapes had instructions. also managed to weasel my way out of hanging paintings....i hope, i still here movement, i wonder if they are done
8.) i have completely disregarded any saturday morning cartoons. they are not nearly as good as the were 15 years ago and its a complete waste of time to try and watch them. just makes no sense to watch them, they are terrible
9.) of course write this blog entry
10.) now i'm watching a dog show on tsn, you guys just missed the 2 year old sheppard named "vedder" from australia. named after pearl jam's lead singer eddie
that is what i have done today
I did a google search to see what normal people do on an early saturday morning. top answered included, go to work, do grocery shopping, clean house, help family, go to farmers market..... those all seem too productive for my liking, 5 rounds of sportscentre is good enough for me
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